Why Jimmy Graham got snubbed out of the Comeback POTY Award

Hello guys, before I give y'all my opinion on this topic I wanted to share with you guys that I have one and a half season of experience of the NFL so any feedback and opinion would be greatly appreciated! Alright, let's get to it.

Jimmy Graham got injured on week 12 of last season, he sustained a ruptured patellar tendon injury that was dubbed as "sneaky career ending injury", there were several reports that Graham would probably never be the same and that his future was uncertain. 

Looking at his stats this season Graham averaged 14.2 yards per catch, had 6 touchdown catches and had 65 receptions to accumulate a total of 923 yards. Not bad for a player coming back from a very dangerous injury right? You know what makes this even more impressive? Jimmy came out last week saying he "barely practiced during the week" focusing only on "being ready for the games.".

Now let's have a look at Jordy's great season and compare them.

Jordy Nelson missed the whole 2015 season and the pre season of the 2016 season but still maged to play the full 16 games for the packers, playing 1080 snaps (the most out of all the Packers WRs and definitely more that Graham), he averaged 1257 yards and had 14 TDs (leading the NFL) in 97 receptions. An amazing feat yes, and undoutably a deserving winner of the trophy but the fact that Graham didn't even get considered is ridiculous. Jordy had 36 votes, Cam Wake had 11 votes, while Pitta had 2 and Bell 1. I could argue that Graham did more than Wake and Bell but let's have a look at Pitta's stats..

Dennis Pitta (hip injury) averaged 8.5 yards had 2 TD catches and had 86 receptions talling a total of 729 yards which is not even close to what Jimmy did as they both had big injuries.

So there it is.. my first NFL piece. I know it isn't big and I know it isn't great but how did I do? Did you enjoy it? Do you agree with me? @ me on twitter @Peter1678. Feedback appreciated!!   


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